auto #
Cross-Platform mouse and keyboard manipulation.
Cross-platform tool to manipulate the mouse and keyboard to automate tasks.
import auto
import time
fn main() {
// get current mouse position
x, y := auto.Mouse.get_pos()
println('Mouse is at: X: ${x}, Y: ${y}')
// get the dimensions of the primary display
sz := auto.Screen.size()
// center the mouse in the middle of the screen
auto.Mouse.set_pos(sz.width / 2, sz.height / 2)
// left and right click the mouse
// double left click
// click and drag mouse to 100, 150
auto.Mouse.drag_to(100, 150, button: .left, duration: time.second)
// emulate keyboard typing
auto.Keyboard.write('some message to write', speed: 100 * time.millisecond)
fn KeyCode.from_byte #
fn KeyCode.from_byte(c u8) ?(KeyCode, KeyModifier)
KeyCode.from_byte returns the KeyCode and KeyModifier for an ascii character.
fn #
fn KeyCode, mod KeyModifier) triggers a key press.
fn Keyboard.write #
fn Keyboard.write(str string, params KeyboardWriteParams)
Keyboard.write types out a string.
fn #
fn Button) triggers a mouse click event at the current mouse cursor position.
fn Mouse.double_click #
fn Mouse.double_click(button Button)
Mouse.double_click triggers a double click event at the current mouse cursor position.
fn Mouse.drag_rel #
fn Mouse.drag_rel(rel_x int, rel_y int, params DragParams)
Mouse.drag_rel drags the mouse cursor relative to the current location of the mouse.
fn Mouse.drag_to #
fn Mouse.drag_to(target_x int, target_y int, params DragParams)
Mouse.drag_to moves the the mouse cursor while holding down a mouse button.
fn Mouse.get_pos #
fn Mouse.get_pos() (int, int)
Mouse.get_pos returns the global X and Y coordinates of the mouse cursor. Returns -1, -1 if there is an error getting the mosue position.
fn Mouse.get_pos_opt #
fn Mouse.get_pos_opt() ?(int, int)
Mouse.get_pos_opt returns the global X and Y coordinates of the mouse cursor.
fn Mouse.set_pos #
fn Mouse.set_pos(x int, y int)
Mouse.set_pos immediately moves the mouse cursor to the x
, y
fn Screen.compositor #
fn Screen.compositor() Compositor
Screen.get_compositor gets whether or not a user has X11 or Wayland as their window compositor.
fn Screen.refresh_rate #
fn Screen.refresh_rate() ?int
Screen.refresh_rate returns the screen refresh rate of the primary display.
fn Screen.size #
fn Screen.size() Size
Screen.size returns the size of the primary display.
enum Button #
enum Button {
Button is the buttons on a mouse or touchpad.
enum Compositor #
enum Compositor {
Compositor is the window compositor being used by the system.
enum KeyCode #
enum KeyCode {
a = keycode_a
b = keycode_b
c = keycode_c
d = keycode_d
e = keycode_e
f = keycode_f
g = keycode_g
h = keycode_h
i = keycode_i
j = keycode_j
k = keycode_k
l = keycode_l
m = keycode_m
n = keycode_n
o = keycode_o
p = keycode_p
q = keycode_q
r = keycode_r
s = keycode_s
t = keycode_t
u = keycode_u
v = keycode_v
w = keycode_w
x = keycode_x
y = keycode_y
z = keycode_z
_0 = keycode_0
_1 = keycode_1
_2 = keycode_2
_3 = keycode_3
_4 = keycode_4
_5 = keycode_5
_6 = keycode_6
_7 = keycode_7
_8 = keycode_8
_9 = keycode_9
space = keycode_space
semicolon = keycode_semicolon
comma = keycode_comma
period = keycode_period
slash = keycode_slash
backtick = keycode_backtick
left_bracket = keycode_left_bracket
right_bracket = keycode_right_bracket
backslash = keycode_backslash
quote = keycode_quote
hyphen = keycode_hyphen
equals = keycode_equals
return = keycode_return
enter = keycode_return
backspace = keycode_backspace
tab = keycode_tab
left_shift = keycode_left_shift
right_shift = keycode_right_shift
left_ctrl = keycode_left_ctrl
right_ctrl = keycode_right_ctrl
left_alt = keycode_left_alt
right_alt = keycode_right_alt
escape = keycode_escape
f1 = keycode_f1
f2 = keycode_f2
f3 = keycode_f3
f4 = keycode_f4
f5 = keycode_f5
f6 = keycode_f6
f7 = keycode_f7
f8 = keycode_f8
f9 = keycode_f9
f10 = keycode_f10
f11 = keycode_f11
f12 = keycode_f12
left_arrow = keycode_left_arrow
right_arrow = keycode_right_arrow
up_arrow = keycode_up_arrow
down_arrow = keycode_down_arrow
delete = keycode_delete
KeyCode is a key on a keyboard.
enum KeyModifier #
enum KeyModifier {
KeyModifier is a key which can be pressed in combination with another key.
struct DragParams #
struct DragParams {
duration time.Duration = time.millisecond * 750
button Button = .left
DragParams are the options for determining how the mouse is dragged across the screen.
struct Keyboard #
struct Keyboard {}
Keyboard acts as a namespace for keyboard related functions.
struct KeyboardWriteParams #
struct KeyboardWriteParams {
speed time.Duration = 50 * time.millisecond
KeyboardWriteParams is the parameters for determining how Keyboard.write behaves.
struct Mouse #
struct Mouse {}
Mouse acts as a namespace for mouse related functions.
struct Pos #
struct Pos {
x int
y int
Pos is the X and Y coordinates on a screen.
struct Screen #
struct Screen {}
Screen acts as a namespace for screen related functions.
struct Size #
struct Size {
width int
height int
Size is the width and height of a screen.
- fn KeyCode.from_byte
- fn
- fn Keyboard.write
- fn
- fn Mouse.double_click
- fn Mouse.drag_rel
- fn Mouse.drag_to
- fn Mouse.get_pos
- fn Mouse.get_pos_opt
- fn Mouse.set_pos
- fn Screen.compositor
- fn Screen.refresh_rate
- fn Screen.size
- enum Button
- enum Compositor
- enum KeyCode
- enum KeyModifier
- struct DragParams
- struct Keyboard
- struct KeyboardWriteParams
- struct Mouse
- struct Pos
- struct Screen
- struct Size